Bimeda is pleased to be attending the 2016 World Buiatrics Congress, which is taking place in Dublin this year and which is attended by over 3000 delegates.
Bimeda’s wide range of animal health and veterinary pharmaceutical products and their global footprint, means that the Bimeda trade stand is proving extremely popular with congress delegates. Bimeda representatives from Ireland, Brazil, the UK and China were on hand to talk to delegates about key health issues affecting cattle globally, and about Bimeda products and services.
Bimeda offer a wide range of products which are suitable for use in both dairy and beef cattle, ranging from parasite control products, to nutritional boluses and veterinary pharmaceuticals. Day one saw huge interest in Bimeda’s range of Cosecure nutritional boluses, as well as in Bimeda’s non-antibiotic teat sealant, Boviseal. Mary Murphy, Marketing Manager commented, ‘as veterinarians and their farming clients increasingly move to a preventative approach to herd health, ensuring the optimum trace element status of animals becomes increasingly important and we saw a huge interest in our Cosecure range of trace element boluses on day one. There was also a great deal of interest in Boviseal non-antibiotic teat sealant, which is currently used to prevent mastitis in over 70% of Ireland’s dairy herd’.
Bimeda are attending the Congress all week and invite all delegates to visit the stand and talk to Bimeda sales representatives and Bimeda veterinarians.